The Magical Castle
In the sea, the sank SATAN-3O1 has now a major attraction for the sea creatures. It has fallen into Octo uncle's territory. Octo was a wise octopus. He decided to build a castle, with the help of crab and sea ants, around it to protect them against theft. The ugly Octo has now become a wealthy king!
But, other creatures started fighting with Octo uncle for the treasure. He was too old to fight with them. One day, he held a meeting in which every weak and powerful king along with other sea creatures were invited. In the meeting, it was decided that the sank ship was nobody's personal property and is open for all. Also, he demanded security for it. The Orca was given the duty to protect the treasure because no other creature had the audacity to fight with him. To fight with him was like to give death an invitation. Therefore, the magical castle was now secure too!
One day Octo and Turt (a sea-turtle), two life long friends, during the sunset, were discussing the treasure that how did it come here? Meanwhile, they saw some amphibians (occasional visitors to sea and land) going through the way. He called and invited them to visit the magical castle. The amphibians agreed. When they saw the ship, they understood that it belong to homo sapiens. The amphibians told them this and the atrocities they have been causing to the land animals. They said, “It won't be here for long, they will come back to claim this”. All the sea creatures were given this information and told to remain alert.
The Exploration
One day, Peter (the explorer) with his team John and Sadie, out of curiosity, went to explore the sea-world and the much hyped magical castle. They created a map using information collected from their research about SATAN-3O1. Others have tried that too but failed. It is because they were only interested in the treasure and not the sea life. Their only purpose was to somehow grab the gold. On the other hand, Peter and his team love the sea world. They have always been fascinated with the sea biodiversity and were curious to know more. Peter and John have mastery over deep sea diving. Sadie has good scientific knowledge about the aquatic life.
Reaching The Mid Sea
As per their plan, they reached the mid sea, the place where SATAN-3O1 sank. John dived into the deep sea with all the equipments. Peter and Sadie were waiting for him to give a signal. For communication, they had modern walkie talkie that works in the sea. John responded that he has reached the sea and is moving forward reached the coral reefs. After some time John came up with no sign of seeing any ship wreckage or castle. They decided to search thoroughly in the diameter of 100 km of the expected location where SATAN-3O1 sank. Now, four days of continuous search have passed. And with each passing day, their hope along with fuel and oxygen supply fading.
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