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Turn Your Good Mornings Into Gold Mornings!

Every morning brings sunshine along with unbounded positive energy that inspires us to live life to the fullest. That is why when we wake up from the bed, we find ourselves most relax during the morning. We don't find the pleasant sound of birds chirping, relaxing weather and the aesthetic sunrise any moment of the day other than morning. If there is a lot of stress in our life, there is also enough beauty of life to inspire us. One should be ready to face both faces of life and should not complain about stressful life.

A new day also brings new promises or the opportunity to keep yesterday's promise. For example, you promise yourself that "Today I shall submit the assignment" or you promised your kids yesterday that "you will take a leave and go for a vacation". Now, this can be possible only if you are in a good mood. And if your kids demand you to take them out for vacation but you are reserved that day, you cannot just shout at them, you must learn to politely say "No".

When we wake up and meet others first time during the morning, we wish each other a good morning. But we can go further and can turn your good morning into a gold morning. I am not tempting you to buy some kind of lottery, and it certainly doesn't mean that you are going to get gold coins every morning. I believe that being a healthy individual, having just enough wealth, is better than being a wealthy but unsentimental and discontented individual. Here, I am going to tell you about a product which is a jackpot. It can give you a long-lasting freshness through the entire day which increases your efficiency.

Colgate, the synonym for toothpaste, of course, is a brand that needs no introduction. It is the #1 brand recommended by dentists. This brand maintains its credibility and consistency and is adaptable to market needs which is the reason behind its popularity and success. And your favourite brand for oral care products, Colgate, has launched a Colgate 360° Charcoal Gold toothbrush that cleans your teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums and has a stunning golden look. It is clearly the gold standard of whole mouth cleaning. You might not be born with a golden spoon but you can definitely claim your golden toothbrush from your nearest grocery store or pharmacy and turn your good mornings into gold mornings.

Wish you a Gold Morning!

*This post has been written with the collaboration with Colgate India for the launch of #Colgate360CharcoalGold Toothbrush.


  1. Hi dear Amitesh, this is my first visit to your blog. You've got a nice blog. :) Indeed Colgate is the only brand that strikes our mind when coming to the safegums and dental ads. Nice post.

    1. Thank you very much Prasanna! Hope you'll like future posts too and don't forget to brush twice a day with Colgate :)


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